Thursday, January 21, 2010


Describe the dependence of temperature on reaction rate. Give complete reasoning.


  1. Reactions usually require collisions between reactant molecules or atoms. The formation of bonds requires atoms to come close to one another. Collisions that lead to products are called effective collisions. An effective collision must happen with a great enough speed, energy, and force to break bonds in the colliding molecules. Collisions between molecules will be more violent at higher temperatures. Higher temperatures mean higher velocities. THis ultimately means that there will be less time between collisions , so the frequency of the collisions will increase. Thusly, the amount of effective collisions increase, which also increases the reaction rate.

  2. I agree with you some extent Aaron, however, the mathematical calculations of frequency factor at higher temperatures couldn't support the degree of increase. You must consider this point too, to complete your answer.

  3. The rates of chemical reactions increase as the temperature is increased. The faster rate at a higher temperature is caused by the increase in the rate constant with increasing temperature. Increasing temperature increases the kinetic energies of molecules. As molecules move rapidly, they collide more frequently and also with a higher energy.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Rates of most reactions are very sensitive to temperature. Most increase greatly with increasing temperature. A increase of 20 degrees, 298 K to 308 K, for example, can make the reaction rate double. If i recall in the kinetic molecular theory it says that the average speed of molecules increases with temperature. For a reaction to occur, the participants need to collide with each other. As the temperature rises, the relative speeds of molecules with respect to one another increase leading to an increase in collission frequency.

  6. DeAnna,
    Please read my feedback given to Aaron. You may need to include activation energy in your discussion.
